Energize your Life
Body Fuel is 100% carbon-bond organicliquid trace mineral supplement, an all-in-one multivitamin ENHANCED WITH HUMERIC AND FULVIC ACIDS. Minerals are enssential to maintain helath and support against illness and disease. Without proper amounts of organic minerals you experience:
-Decrease in absorption of vitamins and nutrients
-Lack of cellular function
-Weakend immmune system
-Breakdown of the nervous system
-Iincreased aging
Nutrients found in Body Fuel
*Trace Minerals: Nourish cells , support nerve health,muscle, and organ function
*Vitamiins: Promote over-all health and nutrition
*Amino Acids: Support the reapir of muscles, organs, nails, hair , skin, ligaments, and glands
*Probiotics: Assist in digestion and enhancement of the immune system
*Antioxidents: Promotes anti-aging and heart health
*Enzymes: Aid in digestion
*Essential fatty acids : Suports cardiovascular, reproductive,Immune and nervous system
*Electrolytes: Supports hydration, nervous system, fluid levels and ph balance
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